
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

A Visit From One Of The 3 Nephites - 2012 Opening Nite Stake Men's Basketball

6:00 PM Game    Cortina 1st vs Cortina 2nd

When Cortina 2nd Ward was a NO SHOW I was thinking "somethings never change" – namely teams not showing up on game night…… And this is MY home ward, too! Led by Kyle McCluskey, who has successfully navigated Cortina to be a perennial 3rd place finisher and everything. Most teams would give the boot to a manager that can't do better than 3rd place year after year, but Cortina 2nd doesn't have anyone else willing to take the lead or any more capable, so Kyle remains…… I later learned Cortina had a "Daddy Daughter" Primary Activity and that's why they were a No Show, except for one fellow that did show up who evidently does not have a daughter in primary. That his wife & young kids came to watch would verify that assumption.

A Cortina 1st Warder warming up for the game that was not to be, put up a shot that was obviously not gonna hit the rim & hollered, "Oh NO, it short." His ever sympathetic teammate quipped, "probably won't be the only short shot you have tonight!" Such fellowship!

Those that did show up decided to revert to the traditional method of selecting teams & shoot free throws. The 1st five that make a free throw are on a team. After a half dozen brick shots I told them to just count out 1 - 2, 1 - 2, etc. to select teams as they would only had 40 minutes of game time & by the time five of them made a free-throw the time allotted to play would all be used up. (And the same guys that can't make a free throw like to attempt three point shots!!)

"RAWR!" Image by Riley Kaminer via Flickr

6:40 PM Game    Ironwood vs Nauvoo Station

A quick reminder, my son Tyler has finished his US Army service which included two tours in Afghanistan. First as a Paratrooper with 82nd Airborne, then as a Sergeant with Psy Ops / Special Operations.

Tyler has whined his whole ball playing career that I am unfair and do not call foul on players when theyfoul him. Feel free to hammer him when you play Nauvoo Station. I'm still not gonna give him any breaks!!

I've got to admit my son Tyler did make me proud in his debut playing for Nauvoo Station in the Queen Creek North State Men's Basketball Program and almost lived up to the hype he was putting up about his "game". In fact, Nauvoo Station finally won a game, prevailing 46 to 33 this time. The Nauvoo station brethren need to take up a collection & buy some "up to date" shorts for one of the Garlock boys who showed up wearing shorts that were throwbacks to the late 70's - way too short & way too tight. Avoiding the embarrassment of being seen by the Sistern of the ward was the only good thing about none of those single Sistern in showing up to watch the game. Fortunately Brother Wright, the ever faithful bishopric member, did show up and handled the scorekeeping duty.

If you've never seen Northern Arizona Native American "Reservation Basketball" you've not seen an awesome display of fitness & endurance and a unique brand of basketball. This season I worked a Post Season Tournament Game in Prescott Village at the Tim's Toyota Center. Many of the teams were from the reservation. Just prior to the Tip Off of my game a Native American fan hollered, "get ready to run like you've never run before ref!!" And he was right, too!! Well, Nauvoo Station had a Native American player show up. No one seemed to know if he was in their ward or had been invited by a ward member to come play. (He might even be one of the 3 Nephites for all I could find out). From the moment he stepped on the floor until he stepped off the court he did not stop running. He ran whoever was guarding him from Ironwood ward ragged. It was great to see that style of play, so I hope he plays the rest of the season!! If he does, and you're guarding him – get ready to run!!

A pleasant surprise for this game was Chris Capps of the Cortina 2nd Ward, a season High School Varsity and Tournament experienced Referee, he showed up to say saying he'd come to help referee. Also Jon Mott, Ironwood Crossing's Elder Quorum President, former Globe High School Boys Varsity Coach and currently coaching at Coolidge High School also showed up saying he'd come to referee. He figured learning more about how referees work and think would help him be a better High School Coach. That may be so, but the thing that would best help Jon to be a better coach would be to have a few players on his team taller than 5' 8"…… Tough to rebound & win against a 6' 5" Center when your Center is 5' 8".

7:20 PM Game    Cortina 3rd vs Vineyard 

I don't remember much about this game. One of the players was a fellow I had taught as a Teachers Quorum Advisor when I first moved to Queen Creek five years ago. Nothing like seeing a "kid " you taught and finding out he's now 19 to make a fellow feel old!! I was in such a state of shock I don't know if we even had two full teams.

8 PM Game       Desert Mountain vs Ranch 

8:40 PM Game    Cambria vs Rittenhouse 

Don't remember anything about these games I was working with Jon Mott on the court and did not take any notes. Jon has learned that when a ball goes Out of Bounds & he is the referee nearest the ball, it is advisable for him to blow his whistle. Jon's most common question of the night was, "Guess I should have blown my whistle on that play, shouldn't I?" He is learning it's a lot easier to referee from the coaches sideline then when wearing the striped shirt.

I'm hopeful Jon and Chris can help referee most of our games because when they can't you brethren will get to experience the referee challenge! The alternative is to let you call your own fouls and I already know that doesn't work!! There are some players that insist "I never touched him", even when there's blood evidence, who'll who will never call a foul on themselves. And there are some that will be slammed into the stage and say it was a clean play and not call a foul on the other guy.

9:20 PM Game   Crismon vs Remington Heights 

A rematch from one of last season's Semi-Final Games and it WAS A GAME!! We could have charged admission for the quality of this one!! Crismon squeaked it out again by one point in the closing seconds of the game. Marc (what was his last name?) from Remington Ward showed why he's the dominant player in our stake and it almost looked like he'd pull off the win on his own late in the game. But Crismon also had several excellent players and held on. (Sometimes literally.)

Because you asked and I'm such a nice guy: We are playing High School Rules which do not allow players on a Free-Throw to enter the lane until the shot hits the rim (that's assuming the shot will hit the rim, of course.) Everyone wants to think they're NBA and want to enter on the "release" by the shooter. "Ask and you shall receive "– as an experiment I'm going to say OK to that even though I'm concerned it's going to lead to a lot more pushing and shoving for position and elbows to the chin. We'll try it for a few nights to be sure you are all behaving yourselves. Don't mess it up!

Lost but found: A V-necked Diamondbacks long sleeved warm up shirt. Tell me what color it is & it's yours. If no one claims it after a couple weeks it's headed to DI. You can check with me after this Sunday Evening's Stake Conference Adult Session.

Schedule change coming: Got a notice the gym will be closed one week in May for floor refinishing so I need to make an adjustment to the schedule, so be watching for that.

Ladies Nites: A few Sistern have asked when they get to play basketball. Some are former High School Players, you see, who miss playing the sport. Even though I sometimes think I'm watching some Brethren play like women on our men's nites, (one player complained he had been poked by a "too long fingernail" Tuesday night) perhaps it's fair to give the ladies at least one night to organize and play? So, since these reports are passed by Present Bagley and High Counselor Arnson to President McClure, this will serve as my asking the Stake Presidency if they'll approve one night of Ladies Basketball this season. If I get permission I'll let you know. Until then it's no use asking me about it anymore because I ain't the Stake Relief Society President and I don't schedule women's sports.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

2011 Men's Championship Games Report - Queen Creek North Stake

What a night!! Many thanks to Adam Sessions who volunteered to be the scorekeeper all night relieving teams of that chore. Adam is the fellow that recently came up to me following a Stake Training Meeting waving his smart phone in front of me with a copy of the most recent "Game Report" on the screen saying, "Are you this guy? You're a nut!" Adam is a retired basketball referee of some renown from California.

Also many Thanks to David Dixson, my High School Referee partner, who agreed to suspend his "no church ball refereeing" policy and work our Championship night games. I'm sure he regrets that decision by now…… After some ill tempered comments by a Cortina 3rd Warder in the final moments of and while in the throes of losing the Championship game. David commented to me between games that some of the brethren did not seem to like some of his foul calls. I told him not to worry about it, he was doing great because the brethren don't like MOST of my calls…

6:30 PM Game – Cortina 3rd vs Ironwood Crossing
Pregame I saw Brian Judy – he of the odd cross handed softball batting grip that gives me shivers up the spine when I see it – takes a run at the basket gripping kids size ball & dunks. Strictly speaking, dunking during pregame warm-ups is a Technical Foul. I asked Brian if he just dunked. He said yes, so I said, "let me see you do it again." He did and I said, "Brian, don't you know that dunking during pregame warm-ups is a Technical Foul? I'm gonna have to light your team up for a "T" and start the game with Cortina 3rd shooting Free Throws and be awarded the ball to In-bound." There was an awkward moment of silence as Brian furtively looked back and forth from my grim countenance to his teammates trying to decide if I was serious. Finally I said I wasn't going to enforce the "T", just no more dunking.

For some reason that reminds me of another pre-game exchange a couple nights ago. Someone was talking to me as we were trying to start a game. Brad "The Hack" (a play at words on how he plays) Hekekiah of the Rittenhouse Ward (I think?) Hollers, "Come on, Vic. We've got a dollar waiting on a dime!" Frankly I was surprised Brad has such a low personal self-esteem value. I figured him at least to be a "two bit player "…

Both teams broke out in a "run and gun "offensive mindset. Perhaps I should say Cortina 3rd offense was run and "GUNN "as Matt Gunn took the EVERY 3 point shot opportunity he had and never stop firing them up!

Even without the leadership of Jon Mott, Ironwood Crossing was pounding the ball into the key and looking as if they had an offense scheme to execute. Both teams were tossing up and making 3 point shot from all over the place.

There's more I could say about this game, but in deference to Matt Gunns quip about my "lengthy" reports I will not recount his exploits any further.

Jon Mott's 4 points per game scoring average for Ironwood Crossing might have made the difference in the games outcome. Cortina 3rd wins 68 to 65.

7:30 PM – Crismon vs Remington Heights

This game was as good as I thought it might be……

I was figuring it might be a long night for Crismon as they were missing Jared Wright, a former PGA aspirant (that's Professional Golf Association for the Sisteren). Jared is as good at ramming in 18' Jumpshot as he is at snaking in 18' putts on a 13 Stimpmeter Rated Green. (For the Sisteren – and the non-golfing Brethren – the Stimpmeter measures the speed the putt will roll roll across a putting green. Anything 9 & above on the Stimpmeter is considered a very fast putting surface even for the PGA. Almost like putting on a wood floor the ball rolls so fast!

But Jared's absence was offset by the "the Rotund One" not making it to the game for the Remington Heights to slash & mash on his legendary drives to the basket.

I thought the difference maker was going to be Marc McDowell of Remington Heights. Marc played collegiately at Pepperdine – although with that beautiful Pacific Ocean view from the campus I don't know how much playing time he got in. Enough, though, to play 1 year of Professional Basketball after college in France. Oui, oui!!

Lots of shot attempts in this game. I'm starting to think some of the brethren have a strategy that they'll throw up any crazy shot and count on their teammates getting the rebound to score an easy put back shot. That could work when you have got Marc McDowell to rebound. Some of those crazy shots actually go in and you know the shooter was as surprise as everyone else by the Cheshire Cat smiles on their face as the run to the other end of the court to go on defense.

One fellow who's shots were no accident was some Farabee kid from Remington Heights. He'll be on Highlands Varsity team this year, I think. Prior to the game his dad commented his son had a State Championship Diving Meet the next day and was hopeful he'd be the State Champ on the 1 meter board. I asked what in the world he was doing playing church basketball risking injury the night before a State Dive Meet!! Where was his mom?? Apparently his mom told him not to play, but you know how teenage boys and their dad can be and he played anyway. Technically, since he is not 18, he should not have played anyway. At the center circle before administering the jump ball to start the game I pointed that out to Crismon and asked if they were OK with his playing. The boys from Crismon opined they could beat anyone any ward wanted to throw at them and said to let the skinny kid play!

Brent Slade, who at 34 years old, who found it more than a small challenge keeping up with a quick and big hopping teenager as he drew the assignment to guard Farabee, wished the kid had listened to his mom! Brent was all tuckered out by Half-Time. Old age is coming at you faster than you think, Brent. Just ask Jason Filley. Get used to it!

I was tired, too…… At half time I heard Adam Sessions say something about the score was 34–28 and then asked for the score sheet for the next game. So I thought the 7:30 PM game was over and that 34–28 was an awfully low scoring game!! Low for a game end score yes, but pretty high powered for a half time score!!

For the record…… If Mark McDowell is behind you as you are trying to get a rebound and suddenly the ball is lifted out of your hands – it is not an Over The Back Foul. It is either you are too short for you have no hops and Mark just snapped the ball in a clean way. As coaches say, "you can't coach height. You have it or you don't” Marc has it.

This game was intense.

Are the referee calls always right? No. As I write this a World Series umpire just called a guy safe at 1st base that was out by half a step. Only the "best of the best" umpires get to work for a World Series game, yet the call was missed! Either this year a major league umpire called a guy safe that was out that would have been the 3rd out in the 9th inning of what would have been a rare "perfect game" for the pitcher. Ouch!!

College and Pro's even use replay technology to get close calls right. Unfortunately our Stake doesn't even have a working scoreboard much less replay technology to help us out.

So, no, try as we might, us referee types do not always make the right call. But does that justify players and fans ragging on the referees?

We had 23 fouls called on Remington Heights and only 12 on Crismon. I can't explain that but I assure everyone there was no bias in making the calls. That's just the way David I saw the game… To Remington players credit we did not hear any bellyaching out of them. They play hard. They lost the game but not their tempers. Good for them!!

Crismon won the game 61-60 in no small part due to MADE free throws. It was a great game!!

Championship Game

Crismon Ward Bishop Strebeck strolled in just before Game Time with his suit on. I suggested his team was all tuckered out and needed him to go suit up. He said he would except he didn't want to "show up" his younger players. I don't know if he'd have shown them up, as it has been a long time since he played high school ball, but he certainly would have been the most accurate Two Hand Set Shot and Two Handed Underhand Flip Free Throw Shooter on the floor………… Also the only one!

Cortina 3rd had been sitting for an hour waiting to play, so rigor mortise or lactic acid had started to settle in there. Crismon, especially Brent Slade from guarding that Farabee kid, was all worn out from there overtime game. David Dixon and I had just worked two hours of basketball and we were tired,… But the game needed to be played to crown our inaugural Stake Basketball Champion.

Suddenly everyone that had been launching 25 footer "nothing but net "shots were coming up short. Seems a few legs had turned to rubber and there were no more hop in their hoppers!

As the shots got shorter, some tempers got longer.

We had a glitch in the game in the 2nd Half when someone on the Cortina 3rd Ward bench asked me how many timeouts they have left. Understand, each team knew they got one time out and it's not the referees job to keep track of Time-Outs. It's the teams responsibility… And how tough is it to count to one? Any finger can handle that task, can't it! Anyway, while I was trying to communicate with Adam Sessions to find out if Cortina 3rd had do use there ONE Time Out that half yet, David Dixon did not realize what I was doing and let Crismon inbound the ball. Cortina 3rd Ward stole the ball and scored a lay up.

I blew my whistle and cancel the play, much to the displeasure of some Cortina 3rd Warders. Hey, if those 3rd Ward boys could count to ONE they wouldn't have had to ask me how many timeouts they had left & that basket would have counted. It wouldn't have been the game winner for them , anyway. Crismon held on to win 55-49 victory.

The 2 Nephites

It was a LONG and chilly night. Long because only 1 game had each Ward field a 5 player team all from their own Ward. Chilly on regards to ...