
Thursday, February 23, 2017

QCNS Softball Report 4.8.11

Remember we are playing FRIDAY NIGHTS throughout all of April.

Granted, a night to the ball park, chasing screaming kids and no bathrooms for those screaming kids, is not an ideal "date night" for most of the sisteren, so please be sure to take your wives (girlfriends in the case of the Nauvoo Station Ward - if they have any) out to dinner after your game or on Saturday night to maintain peace and good will in your homes.

As usual there were not enough players for a 6:00 PM game. Not even enough to goof around, so they all went home. It did not get much better through the evening,...

A Nauvoo Station (Singles Ward) player showed up for the 7:00 PM game to find only one other Nauvoo Station player and asked, "you mean I gave up my date night for this?" To which I replied, "Fella, did you have a date for tonight?" "No" He admitted. "Then you can't give up what you ain't already got can you?" I pointed out. He wandered off to play catch with his fellow ward member.

An unnamed member of the perennial 2nd or 3rd place finishing Cortina 2nd Ward was getting ready for his 8:00 PM game slot and almost fell over when he stood up. Seems he'd put his shoes on the wrong feet! His excuse was "I wasn't looking" when he put the on! Poor fellow hasn't been the same since he turned 40 a few months ago.

No one showed up for the 9:00 PM game, so I turned off the Ramada lights and went home.

Cortina 1st Ward's Brother Padilla showed up in a San Antonio Spurs t-shirt bragging about how their going to be in the playoffs. OK, I can live with that as he is respecting the ban on not wearing Texas colors. But I was caused to reflect back to last week when Artie and Amber Whiting showed BOTH sporting ASU shirts. It was SO CUTE!! Other than the ASU WOMEN's Basketball & Softball teams and the Men's Baseball teams, ASU has been one big flop for the last several years in the "money sports" - football and basketball. So I have decided to ban ASU colors until they win a football game other than the maroon versus white preseason intra-team Spring and Preseason scrimmages or NAU, their traditional patsy Division II opening game opponent that they have barely beat the last 2 years.

A number of the sisteren keeping asking me, "when are you going to have women's softball or co-ed softball." Do I look like the relief society women's sports director??!! Youse got's to ask the stake Relief Society Presidency about your own sports program ladies!!

I have run the idea of co-ed softball up the flagpole once before but did not get an answer. Some stakes think it's "not appropriate" to allow men and women on the same teams. Using that same reasoning we shouldn't allow men and women to serve together in Cub and 11 year old Scout programs, serve in Primary or attend Ward Council Meetings together, but we do, don't we? So maybe we are capable of playing co-ed softball too?

So, I'm including that editorial in this update hoping it will get passed along up the line to the Stake High Council and Stake Presidency for their consideration. We'll see.

That is it for this report.

Vic Pear
Stake Men's something or other

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The 2 Nephites

It was a LONG and chilly night. Long because only 1 game had each Ward field a 5 player team all from their own Ward. Chilly on regards to ...