We've got the OK from our Stake & Ward Relief Society Sistern (that attend the Stake Center) to use the Cultural Hall a limited number of Thursdays nites for Men's Basketball. THANK YOU LADIES!!! I won't tell any more J. Golden Kimball Relief Society stories for a long while......
Now we need the Stake & each Young Men & Young Women (that attend the Stake Center) to cooperate and each Ward give the Cultural Hall up ONE nite per month over a 4 month time frame and we can run a B-Ball program from mid August thru mid October. You brethren from the Wards attending the Stake Center might want to politely politic your receptive YM & YW Leaders to say yes......
Now to Softball.
All games are now 7 innings or 55 minutes, which ever occurs first.
NO INNING can begin after the 55 minute mark, so it is important teams that just played clear out of the Bench Area ASAP & teams getting ready to play gather at Home Plate for the Pre-Game Prayer and be ready to play on time. Don't ask recently Returned Missionaries or High Priest to pray.They think they have to go 10 minutes or it's not a real prayer. This isn't High Councilor or Stake Presidency Talk that can go on forever- you have a time limit to consider.
8 Players present and ready to play at the end of the prayer are required to be a legal team. Less then 8 & it's a Forfeit- unless the team with 8 or more players is dumb enough to say they want to play a regulation game anyways & risk the otherwise forfeiting team has more players show up soon and ends winning the game.
If a game is tied after the 7th inning or at the end of 55 minutes we have a Tie Breaker Format.
The Visiting Team bats first. Whoever would have been the next batter up in the regular Line Up at the end of the last inning is the batter. THREE runners are placed at 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Base. They can be any players on the team (I suggest you pick someone fast and not old High Priest that forgot their belts & can't run because they're trying to hold up their britches. Oh yeah, I've seen that already this year & it's a real hoot to watch!!) A runner on base may switch with any other player if his turn at bat come up while he is on base. The Batter's Count is 3 Ball & 2 Strikes. Each team will have ONLY ONE OUT.
If the game is still tied after that inning, we'll repeat until we have a winner.
That's my report, such as it is......
Queen Creek North Stake
Men's Softball
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